About Us
Christy Minerals is a premier producer of high-quality Fireclay and Calcined Flint Clay. We control all aspects of the process from selectively mining the clays to calcining, grinding, and sizing our products to meet our customers’ requirements.
The Christy Minerals High Hill, MO manufacturing facility can trace its roots back to the 1950’s as a Fire Clay operation. Prior to becoming a minerals plant it was a railroad depot and repair yard dating back to the mid-1800’s. Christy’s involvement in the facility began in 1974 when the facility was purchased and named Missouri Minerals. The rotary calcining kiln installation began in 1978 and led to the current operation today. Missouri Minerals was renamed Christy Minerals in 1985 to build upon Christy’s brand and reflect that the clay minerals business was serving a wider geographic area than just Missouri.
Our products are used in a variety of applications from refractory castable and firebrick to ceramic floor tile and pottery. Hawthorn Bond® plastic fire clay is specified by Pottery Artists across the country to produce consistent pieces time after time. The STKO® family of Precision Investment Casting refractory grains and flours are used in the production of refractory shells. Our Dynapoz metakaolin is a Class N Calcined Clay Natural Pozzolan for enhancing the properties of concrete and cement bonded shapes.
Over the years numerous strategic investments in equipment, clay mineral reserves, and most importantly our people have positioned us for continued growth and success. In Missouri, we are blessed with some of the finest fireclay in the world from formations that began over 300 million years ago.
The Christy Minerals High Hill, MO facility is located along Interstate 70 giving easy access for shipping by truck. We are serviced by the Norfolk and Southern Railroad and are close to both the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers for transportation by barge.
For information on the entire Christy Family of Companies see christyco.com.

Original clay company brochure from the 1950’s at High Hill that eventually became Christy Minerals
Calvin Christy Jr., with miners at the October 5th, 1961 opening of the Goss Clay Mine
New Florence Stockpile August 1962
Clay Mining, Circa 2018
Christy Minerals High Hill, MO Facility